About Us
In our search for a natural product that is both pet and human safe we tried product after product. We’ve literally tried EVERY SINGLE NATURAL PRODUCT ON THE MARKET (both liquid and solid) and waited the few weeks for “enzymes to build up” to take the odor away… To no avail - NOTHING WORKED!
We developed this 100% natural product to treat artificial turf, grass or any outside area that needs deodorizing. We personally have been using this product for several years and can attest to the fact that IT WORKS!
Directions for Use:
Clean any large debris from artificial turf, grass or surface area being treated. If possible, rake or mow turf to get blades fluffed up or standing up. Sprinkle Turf Magik. Water the area. Within 48 hours, the odor should be gone.
Recommended use for product: 1 lb Turf Magik to approximately 25 square feet. Repeat water saturation as needed. More heavily soiled areas or stronger smelling areas may require extra Turf Magik to be used.